Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Congress Rep

Living in California, I have 2 Senators Barbara Boxer and Diane Feinstein. Boxer is a Democrat that has been involved in the Senate since 1992 when she was first elected. She is known for being in favor of eniornmental protection, human rights, and of women's rights for reproduction. She has been a force in Congress and an all around good representative for California. She is a member of many committees including Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation, Senate Enviornment and Public Works, and Senate Foreign Relations. And she has been in favor of many bills such as S.2109 which is the California Desert and Mountain Heritage Act.
Diane Feinstein is the other senator of California and was also elected a seat in 1992. She was then re-elected in 1998 and again in 2004. She was a co-sponsor of the Class Action Fairness Act of 2005 and is a big believer in capital punishment. Feinstein is also a member of a lot of committees dealing with Defense, and Crimes and Drugs, along with many others. Having two female senators for California has been good because i think it is important to have females involved in the legistaltive branch. It sets a good example for young women who would like to pursue their dreams in politics.

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