Friday, December 14, 2007

Social Networking Project


1)"If You Want To Win An Election, Just Control The Voting Machines"

This article discusses the flaws in our electronic voting system in Nebraska. When Nebraska Republican Chuck Hagel first ran there for the U.S. Senate in 1996, his company's computer-controlled voting machines showed he'd won stunning upsets in both the primaries and the general election. The voting record showed that he had one basically every Black primary that had never voted Republican in the past. This caused some people to become suspicious about why Hagel had won by such a significant lead. He ran again in 2002 and won by a landslide. The voting showed that he had been elected a seat by about 83% of the votes.

I decided to put this article in my playlist because it shows how some election may look a little sketchy. Maybe there are ways that some people have won elections based off of false information. This article shows the suspicions of the voting system and how there is no “paper trail of the vote” to prove that there was a fraud.

2) “Low voter turnout for Trent election”

This article discusses how the voter turnout of the Trent Central Student Association was the lowest it has ever been. This association is the student government for full time students. This year there was a dismal 184 students that showed up to vote out of 8,000 students. The thing that is the most shocking is that the positions for President, Women’s Issues Commissioner, International Issues Commissioner, Special Needs Issues Commissioner and Mature Students’ Issues Commissioner remain vacant. This brings up the issue of whether or not the younger generation is becoming less interested in politics.

I chose this article to put in my playlist because its discreetly discusses the issue of the younger generations becoming less interested in politics. Every election year, the voting turnout has been decreasing, and many people believe it is due to the younger generation. They think that all teenagers, or young adults, are not well informed of the government and therefore don’t care. This article shows the decrease in student voting, and may prove the point of many.

3) - Florida's Election Day vote could be irrelevant - November 9, 2000

This article discusses the 2000 election with Al Gore and George W. Bush. This election was thought to be one of the most controversial because of the rare occasion of the candidate that won the popular vote, loses the election. The article shows the importance of getting the vote of the Electoral College. Al Gore won the popular vote in the election, but the Electoral College elected Governor George W. Bush as the President. Al Gore violated the 14th Amendment because he requested a recount of only a few cities in Florida instead of the whole state. This forced the judges to vote for Bush.

I decided to put this article in the playlist because it showed the importance of the Electoral College. Even if the candidate were to win the popular vote like Gore did, they still have the chance of losing the election due to the Electoral College. Bush ended up winning the election due to a constitutional technicality. I think that the Electoral College is often looked over at times because people think that their votes will automatically elect the President. That is not always the case.


1) The Democratic Party

This website contains all of the issues and beliefs that the Democratic Party deals with in the election. It has blogs, their press schedule, news for national, local, and communities. It also has contact information and it comes in Spanish too. All of these things give people a chance to become educated and involved with their political party.

The website was included in my playlist because I thought it was very informational and well put together. It is very user friendly and it allows people to become informed about their political party. It also gives them a chance to express themselves by hosting a blog, allowing them to write down their opinions for the world to see. I think it is a very positive website for elections.

2) Federal Election Commission Home Page

This website consists of information dealing with administering and enforcing federal campaign finance laws. It includes a Presidential Campaign Map that shows the amount of money that candidates have contributed. It gives a brief overview of the FEC and discusses the history of it. Also, it gives a viewer the finance reports and calendar of its meetings. Another feature that it has on it is a Quick Answer section, where it has frequently asked questions about the commission.

I chose this website for my playlist because it informs the viewer of the FEC. It shows you how the candidates are spending their money for the election and where. The map is very helpful if you are interested in how your favorite candidate is contributing money. It also discusses the campaign finance laws that the commission is planning on enforcing. I believe that it very useful and educational for the voters to visit.

3) Politics - News, Opinion and Analysis from

This website has many different options of things to search and read about. It has a section that allows you to read up on the candidates and how they are doing in the election. It also has the top stories to read about from the current topics in politics. Also, it has videos, campaign news, and has a daily political cartoon that lets the viewers watch or look at something visual rather than just reading stories and articles on a topic.

I chose this website to put in my playlist because I thought it was very user friendly, and it seemed like a very interesting website. It allows you to read up on the important issues that are present in the world today, as well as looking up your favorite presidential candidate. I think that it has good resources and is very convenient for people to use if they want to become aware of political issues.


1) Bill Richardson 2006 Western Ad

This video was a campaign commercial for the governor of New Mexico, Bill Richardson. It was a commercial designed for entertainment purposes more than educational because it only provided a few facts of information. The video basically took place in western setting, with Richardson dressed up in cowboy attire. It tries to convince the viewers to vote for him by showing humor.

I decided to put this video in my playlist because it shows how some candidates are willing to make himself look foolish in order to win an election. Elections have become all about entertainment and all about advertising. Each candidate tries to dig up dirt on the other candidate so that way he can expose the person for whatever he had done in the past. And this video is an example of a guy trying to gain the approval of people by pure entertainment rather than him actually being a good governor.

2) A new map of the United States

This video is presented almost like a powerpoint in the way that it just has different information pop up and images. It discusses the question of whether all of the states are involved in elections. The video is a National Popular Vote Movement ad that talks about how only a few states are looked at to elect the President. Their opinion is all 50 states should be included in the campaigning process rather than only a select few.

I picked this video because it demonstrates how people feel that not all of the 50 states are being included in the election. Most candidates spend most of their time campaigning in a select few states because they seem to be more important to the election. Some of these “swing states” include Oregon, Florida, and Michigan and the candidates feel that they are the only ones that matter.

3) OBAMA TAKES LEAD IN IOWA: Hilary in free fall 2

This video begins with a cartoon of Hilary Clinton falling and crashing into letters that spell out Obama takes lead in Iowa. The video contains information on how Obama is starting to gain momentum in the election and that Hilary is slowly starting to lose her lead in the election. It discusses how the other democratic candidates are trying to gang up on Clinton because they believe that she is not the right candidate for the position.

I chose this video because it shows how competitive the candidates can be when it comes to the election. All of the men are ganging up on the one and only woman in the election, who happens to the font runner. It almost seems like they don’t care who is elected, as long as it is not her. If she is the best candidate and is experienced enough to handle the job, then she should be the selected candidate. This video is just an attempt to get people to vote against Clinton.


1) Wrestling Advertisement

This picture is of Bush and Kerry looking at each other and it says Bush Vs. Kerry underneath them. It is made to look like a wrestling poster to attract viewers to watch them debate. The picture is labeled as the Main Event.

I chose this picture to be in my playlist because it again shows the advertisement aspect of elections. It shows that elections have come to be about entertainment in the way that the candidates campaign and gain approval ratings. Having the picture labeled as the Main Event is smart and ironic because it is definitely true. The Presidential elections are always the main event of elections.

2) Kerry and the Soccer Ball

This picture is of Kerry trying to head a soccer ball. He, not being the most athletic guy, is trying to appeal to all of the voters. In the background it shows people laughing at his attempt to fit in. The picture, in a way shows that the candidates are willing to do anything to try to gain votes.

This picture was included in my playlist because it shows how bad media can be portrayed. Media is a big part in campaigning now, and there is good and bad media. This is definitely an example of bad media because it makes a very intelligent man, look unintelligent. The candidates are under constant scrutiny and the slightest mishap can ruin their campaign. They always have to look their best and be careful on how they are portrayed in the eyes of the public.

3) The Voting Box

This photo is a cartoon that is of a man stuffing the voting box. The ballots are overflowing from the box as he tries to shove his votes in.

I chose this picture to put in my playlist because it shows how maybe some people should feel like doing. They are so invested in their candidate winning that they are willing to do anything. If everyone had that drive, then maybe there would be a larger voter turnout. People are not interested in politics like they used to be and it is effecting the elections.

Audio Sources

1) Presidential season: one year before the 2008 U.S. elections with Carroll Doherty from the German Marshall Fund Podcast Series podcast

This podcast discusses how the candidates are doing in the election. They talk about who is up in the election, and who is down. This allows people to catch up and get a summary of what had happened in the last week if they had missed it.

I chose this podcast to be in my playlist because it is important for people to be aware of how their candidate is doing in the election. It is a lot easier for people to get a recap of the week rather than sit and watch all of the debated and other televised events.

2) Podcast: Remembering Mailer for Mayor - City Room - Metro - New York Times Blog

Mayor Mailor has just passed away last month and this podcast discusses his memorable election. He was an inappropriate candidate because he rude, vulgar, and a convicted murderer. He was convicted of stabbing one of his wives. His slogan was “No More Bull” and that was unprintable.

I put this podcast in my playlist because it shows how entertaining elections are remembered. The controversial and shocking events that happen make things more interesting, and therefore more people follow them. This is a good example of how a horrible candidate can gain a lot of publicity.

3) Podcast on McCain (couldnt make a link, but copy it and search and it will work)

This podcast was made on December 13 and talks about the Arizona Senator John McCain and his family. In the beginning it discussed how he was not doing well in the Naval Academy, he was getting demerits for his early years in school. His sons are following in his footsteps, as he did with his father. One of his sons is in Iraq, and the other one is in the Naval Academy. This podcasts talks about how he grew as a person and how his sons may become involved in politics later on.

I chose this podcast to be in my playlist because it gives listeners a softer side to a candidate. It really discusses how he went from being a troublemaker in the Naval Academy to becoming a well-respected political leader. I think it is important for people to hear another side of a presidential candidate because they are always trying to be superior and strong, but to know that they are also human can be very reassuring.


1) September 26th

This blog discusses how people think that Hilary Clinton should not be considered the frontrunner for the election because she has been slipping towards the end. They don’t doubt her ability, but they feel that she is too confident and already thinks that she has the Democratic Candidate locked. This rubs people the wrong way because they feel like she should be the least confident out of all the other candidates, not over confident.

I chose this blog for my playlist because I felt like a lot of people could relate to it. This blog obviously deals with the idea of elections because it has to do with the 2008 election, but it discusses the importance of personality. People respect people that have confidence, especially a woman, but too much confidence comes off as arrogance and that is not appealing to the public.

2) Today on the Presidential Campaign Trail - AOL News

This blog discusses the candidates and how they are doing in the election. Mitt Romney is ahead in New Hampshire and is fighting to gain the lead in Iowa and South Carolina for the Republican Candidate. In South Carolina Romney and Giuliani have 19 percent each, Thompson 18 percent, McCain 13 percent and Huckabee 10 percent.

I chose this blog because it shows how the Republican candidates are doing in the election because it seems like the Democratic candidates are getting all of the attention and publicity. This allows people to check up on all of the candidates because if the election is one sided, and one party is gaining all of the attention, people will forget about one.

3) Newsweek on Bloomberg, the Billion Dollar Wild Card - City Room - Metro - New York Times Blog

This blog discusses the chances of Michael R. Bloomberg running for president. He made the cover of Newsweek for this story. He recently left the Republican Party to become independent. He says he does not want to run unless there is a good chance that he can win. He said that he would not only want to win the popular vote, but also the Electoral College. People say that he could be successful as the president, but he is not sure if he wants to take the leap to run.

I chose this blog because it shows the beginnings of a potential candidate for future elections. It shows how he is vulnerable, but how he has the winning attitude. This blog is more informative than opinionated, so it allows people to learn more about upcoming news.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

CNN YouTube Debate

The CNN YouTube debate seemed like a big joke a times. It was, in a way, a chance for people to be on television and ask a question to the well respected presidential candidates. I'm not saying that there weren't people that took it seriously and are concerned with the country's politics, but some people were acting ridiculous. For example, one guy asked, while shirtless, if he could intern for Senator Hilary Clinton. The debate was supposed to be a chance for the people to get their points across to the presidential candidates, and i think that some people did not take it seriously.